The Sounds That Guide Your Emotions

It has been said that music is the expression of the soul. Music has the ability to make us feel and express certain emotions that words often can’t describe. Furthermore, by listening to music, we can let our emotions be guided towards a desired state.  Different...

Writing Your Way to Better Emotional Health

Every day, we are faced with constant stress. This is a good thing, because without it we would have no motivation or drive to get things accomplished. Mild to moderate stress (or arousal) is needed for us to continue moving forward and strive towards inner growth and...

How To Quiet the Mind

In today’s world, it is easy to be overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of fleeting thoughts. With the increasing popularity of multitasking and new technologies, its effects are being felt by increasing depression and burn out rates. Did you know that reading or writing an...

Move More to See Your Mood Soar

Looking at the latest television commercials promoting some drug for the treatment of depression, anxiety or other mood disorder, it is always fascinating to listen to the exhaustive list of side effects that are quickly read at the end. Of course, for some suffering...

With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemas

The importance of having good positive friends has been written about over and over again in social psychology journals. Furthermore, we know that positive relationships are closely related to happiness and resiliency. What role then, can having such friends...