In today’s fast paced world, it is easy to get caught up with our responsibilities and forget to take care of ourselves. With stress and depression levels consistently rising, it is important to find ways to renew our energy and build up resistance to today’s demands. There are many different ways to increase our resilience and increase our satisfaction of life but today, I will focus on a simple concept: a fun day.

A fun day, as the name suggests, is a day you can create where having fun is the only objective. Set everything aside and plan a day that you can focus on doing things you enjoy. This can include going to a spa, a movie, relaxing with a good book (or good blog article), or anything else you would enjoy. Let your passions and creativity help you design this special day.

When feel things starting to get a little hectic, I sometimes decide to take a day off and enjoy a fun day. In my case, this day would typically begin with a latté from my favourite Italian café. Then, I would go see a movie before having a nice quiet lunch at a restaurant and spend the rest of the day shopping. It is amazing how renewing having such a day can be.

Although I try to have a fun day at least once a month, it is not always possible. In fact, for many people it is not possible to devote an entire day to hedonistic activities.  A fun day can be broken down to a few hours a month, one hour a week, or even a few minutes a day. Actually, smaller more frequent bouts of fun can be more effective and longer lasting than longer less frequent ones.  No one can argue that a yearly one week vacation abroad is not renewing and energizing but one year is quite a long time to wait. Something as simple as taking one half hour to read or walk in a park everyday can work wonders for our well being. So what are you waiting for? Plan something fun to do right now…and do it!