Most of us have asked ourselves the question “Am I happy?” The problem with this kind of closed question is that it implies that we are either happy, or we are not. There are no grey zones or happiness continuums we can set goals to. Furthermore, if you have ever had to ask yourself that question, the odds were probably not usually in your favour.

In essence, this type of question does not represent reality. For the most of us, we would say to be content with our lives but would appreciate just a little more of the good life. In fact, we do have the power to strive for and attain more happiness in our lives. What if there was another way to ask yourself a question in a way that actually attracted more happiness? There is. If you want to find ways to actually increase your happiness levels, try asking “How can I be happier?” By answering this simple yet powerful question, you are actually setting goals that can enhance the quality of your life.

Want to give it a try? Go get a pen and paper and write down the question “How can I be happier?” Now answer it. By doing so, you have just identified your goal to increase your happiness. Next, identify five to ten small steps you can take to achieve your goal. These steps can be taken on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on your goal and time frame. With a little persistence, you will not only have attained your goal and increased your happiness levels, but you will have also enjoyed the journey to your success.

For more information about increasing happiness and Ron Forte’s Positive Psychology Life Coaching services, become a member of his fan page on Facebook. The page is called Ron Forte – Life Coach.

Article Source: : A Simple Yet Powerful Question to Attract More Happiness